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Grin and Bear it

December 15, 2024

Grin and Bear it
These past months, my wife and I have enjoyed taking long walks up on the mountain road as the sun warmed up the day, and yes Matushka, it does count as a date! It is a blessing to enjoy the views and it is a healthy exercise for us as we do not get enough exercise at this stage of our lives. Something as simple as walking can greatly help our mental and physical aspects of our earthly temples. And our body needs a little extra care these days! It is not something we can just take for granted.  
I have noticed as I walked some minor aches and pains from injuries in the past, and at times they put a little hitch in my giddyup, especially as we climb a hill. I try to press on or push through the burning or whatever sensation that arises, or perhaps I grin and bear it, as they say around here!
And I have seen many of you grinning and bearing it at times in your walk with Christ. Challenges arise and when you are able, you look past the burning struggle and remember the cross. The sun will arise tomorrow, with more possibilities and opportunities. Some will be welcome and some, maybe not as much. But we have to remember to let God, be God. After all, aren’t we just dust of the Earth? (Gen 2:7)
Apostle Paul instructs to: “to walk worthily of the calling in which ye were called.” (Eph 4:1) From that dust that we were created from and given life, part of that worthy walk is loving each other despite how irritating, irrational and different folks are. Grin and bear it! That calling is somewhat defined in 1 Corinthians: “For ye were bought with a price; glorify then God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:20 ) 
That body of our needs to approach holiness! “If anyone corrupt the temple of God, God shall bring this same one to corruption; for the temple of God is holy, which ye are.” (1 Corinthians 3:17) That spirit of ours needs to love! Saint Chrysostom writes: “What is this ‘unity of the Spirit’ (eJnovthta tou Pneuvmato~)? In the human body there is a spirit which holds all together, though in different members. So is it also here; for to this reason was the Spirit given, that He might unite those who are separated by race and by different manners; for old and young, poor and wealthy, child and adolescent, woman and man, and every soul become in a manner one, and more entirely so than if there were one body. [Hom. 9, P.G. 62:71 (col. 72).] [Eph. 4:3.]  
In that mountain walk of life we will experience some pain and remembrance of old injuries. That is the time to pray for those folks and to forgive those still grasping a dagger. You survived and you are stronger now, and your clay has become more moldable, Glory to God! We just don’t have time to be consumed with the past, but to continue to look Eastward. You have been called by the “Father of all, and through all, and in you all.” (Eph 4:6) Less of me, more of Him! And with tears, my hardened clay will become moldable in the hands of the Great Potter. 
From that very moment we seize our first gasp of air, we are working towards our last breath, are finale. Time passes ever so quickly. Let go of yesterday and make the most out of today, because your flesh may not be have a tomorrow! Walk looking forward and upward, not down and behind. The more we love, the less grip the world and death will have on us!! That is what the love of the cross will cost you, lose everything and gain even more! 
Let me close with the words of St. Justin Popovich, a recent theologian: A man in this world must solve a problem: to be with Christ, or to be against Him. And every man decides this, whether he wants to or not. He will either be a lover of Christ or a fighter of Christ. There is no third option. (St. Justin Popovich, Explanation of I John, 4.3)
Fr. Gabriel Weller 12-15-2024

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