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Groans of my Heart

September 01, 2024

Groans of my Heart
Here in the midst of the Dormition afterfeast, I was pondering on just how much the West has greatly decreased its weaponry in our war from the garden, or the battle of free will and our inclination to find acceptable habitation in the murk of sin. I often tell church new-comers how every weiuek I hear or read something new, or something that has always been there, but now has bloomed into an incredibly beautiful flower, rich in color, and ever so pleasantly fragrant. It makes me feel like a bee or a hummingbird amidst the summer flowers. That nectar is a life-sustainable necessity for me.
<div>I read the morning prayers as I always have and this week the Prayer VII came to life. Listen to this blooming passage: “I offer the groans of my heart to thee unceasingly, strive for me, O Sovereign Lady. Accept my service of supplication and offer it to compassionate God.” (Morning Prayers, Jordanville Prayer Book) Have you ever stopped to examine what it is your heart is groaning for?</div>
<div>Back in my memories on rainy or snowy days, we use to assemble large jig-saw puzzles. We would sit there for hours until the chairs became unbearable or our eyes were overcome with exhaustion. As we neared that point of quitting or taking a break we would find a piece of puzzle with the right colors and correct image and we would try to force the piece to fit, maybe even with a tap or two from our fist. But it didn’t fit; its shape was just a little bit different. Our hearts yearn to fit, to belong, to be safe within our Sheppard’s fold. As our Lord calls us: “I lay down My life for the sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” (John 10:15-16) We groan to be deeply cared for, as a momma bear tending her cubs, as our Lord groaning for our salvation, wanting His creation to be always connected.&nbsp;</div>
<div>There at Holy Myrrhbearers, our Lord has blessed us with a church full of existence and I watch mothers as they navigate and function within the family structure. I have to admit, as a man, it is somewhat foreign for me, it isn’t as natural. Scientist say that a mother helps a child develop healthy relationships in life from a connected since of belonging, and live a life with less stress and anxiety as we function within the emotional challenges that come our way.&nbsp; &nbsp;</div>
<div>And I then reflect on my aging mother as she approaches her eighty-eighth birthday this month and how she keeps a watchful eye on me still to this day. Her mind does not allow her to recognize me anymore but her heart knows we are family. Our Theotokos is also keeping a watchful eye on us, She is our Momma Bear! It is not a coincidence that you are here, you are here because your heart groans and aches. You are here because you yearn for the perfect nurturing that our Great Mother can provide. She is your Mother! You share the same bloodline! You are a son or daughter of the Kingdom to come! (Romans 8:14-17)</div>
<div>Saint Luke informs us of her conversation with Elisabeth; “For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.” She was touched by the Holy Spirit and God did great things to her! (Luke 1:48) The Psalmist wrote:” I will make your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore, the people shall praise you forever and ever.”(Ps 45:17) Saint Vincent of Lerins warns us from his writings around the year 434: “Therefore, may God forbid that anyone should attempt to defraud holy Mary of her superiority in divine grace and of her special glory. For by unique favor of our Lord and God she is to be confessed to be the most true and most blessed Mother of God.” [Commonitories, Ch. 15, FC, 7:296)</div>
<div>To the Theotokos let us run now most earnestly, we sinners all and wretched ones, and fall down, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: O Lady, come unto our aid, have compassion upon us; hasten thou, for we are lost in a throng of transgressions. Turn not thy servants away with empty hands, for thee alone do we have as our only hope. (Troparion, Fourth Tone)&nbsp;</div>
<div>Fr. Gabriel Weller 9-1-2024</div>

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