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Have you ever watched your clothes through the glass door of your wash machine?

August 22, 2021

Have you ever watched your clothes through the glass door of your wash machine?
In the Gospel reading from St. Mathew, the evangelist speaks to us about the time when the disciples were in the sea of Capernaum heading to meet up with Jesus and a fierce storm arose and tossed the vessel about like dirty rags in the wash machine.
The men were afraid and at the mercy of the vast ocean and the powerful storm and still faced several hours of darkness in the night. Blessed Theophylact comments: “He permits the disciples to be caught in a storm, so that they might learn to endure trials bravely and that they might know His power.” (Mt 14:22-34)
The night is divided into four watches of 3 hours each and near the end of the night at the fourth and last watch, before the promise of the morning sun, Christ came to them calming the waves and wind and restoring peace to His willing workers. “But straightway Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good courage, I Am; cease being afraid.” [Mt. 14:27] ” Blessed Theophylact instructs us: “He first encourages them, saying, ‘I AM’ ( jEgwv eijmi) [Ex. 3:14], Who can do all things; be of good courage.” Do you remember in Exodus when Moses asks God what is His name, and God answers: “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I AM has sent Me to you.’” Saint Chrysostom explains: “This word loosed them from fear, and provided courage as He makes Himself known by His voice.” [Hom. 50, P.G. 58:514 (col. 505).]
This story about this storm reminds me of my wash machine.
Have you ever watched your clothes through the glass door of your wash machine?
In order to get my clothes clean, I normally put extra detergent in the dispenser as well as fabric softener to keep my clothes soft and pliable. Some folks wash their dirties in the delicate wash cycle, but I always choose the heavy-duty cycle with plenty of scalding hot water.
The dirtier the clothes, the more they need the heavy-duty cycle! And when it comes to dirt, I am like a big magnet at the metal scrap yard! Some of my clothes may have a contrary stain on them and I first must apply some “Shout it out” to the stain for the best cleansing results.
As I look through the wash machine window, all the clothes are tossed, twisted and turned, out of control at the will of the machine, being cleansed and washed spotless of all their stains.
I am sure at times in your life when you find yourself desperately staring out the window of the violent stormy Whirlpool machine, looking desperately for help, being tossed and turned in the midst of life’s heavy duty wash cycle!
Cling to the One and only great stain remover, the Alpha and the Omega. There is so stain He can’t remove with your assistance, but you must expose your filth to His cleansing Blood and Water! And when we are on our last watch of the night, rolled, tumbled and bruised and then finally ready to surrender, “Shout it out”: Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
Fear not, you are never alone!
May your stormy winds and waves be calmed by the Creator of all and thanks be given to the One who forgives and taught us all to pray: ”Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”
Fr. Gabriel Weller 8-22-2021

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