February 04, 2024
Some months ago, I was driving Mother Maria to the church to give a talk on their work at the school in Bethany when we drew near to 6 pounds of dead polecat on the road. The aroma was so intense that it was if we had been trapped with that terrible stench inside a Ziploc bag! Sealed for freshness!! Mother Maria had no idea where the smell had come from and I was hoping she wasn’t thinking it was little ole me. I quickly realized her uncertainty and informed her that the horrible smell that had seeped into the car and made us gasp for fresh air, was from a little black and white critter we have around here. She had never experienced this sensation because skunks don’t live in her region. They have been pretty active lately so I DuckDuckGo’d her a picture of this little rascal, just in case she encountered one face to face in her short stay here in the country.
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