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Living Orthodoxy Daily

February 04, 2015

Living Orthodoxy Daily


  1. When you wake up, let your first thought be about God, your first word be a prayer to God your creator and keeper of your life, Who is always able to give life or destroy it, who can strike with illness and heal, and who can save or destroy.
  2. Bow and give thanks to God Who raised you from sleep, and Who did not allow you to perish in your sins, but with long-suffering awaited your repentance.
  3. Make a start for better things, saying with the Psalmist: “I said, now I have made a beginning” (Ps. 76.11). For no one completes the path to heaven except he who makes a good beginning everyday.
  4. From the morning pray like the Seraphim, act like the Cherubim, and be surrounded with angels.
  5. Do not waste time any longer. Do only those things which are necessary.
  6. In all deeds and words, keep your mind in God; do not write anything in your mind except Christ, and let no image touch your pure heart except the pure image of Christ our God and Savior.
  7. Awaken yourself to the love of God in all things, whenever you are able, especially say to yourself with the Psalmist: “In my meditation a fire was kindled” (Ps. 38.4).
  8. You desire to love God, Whose visitation you always see and gaze upon with your interior eyes, therefore turn away from all evil deeds, words, and thoughts. Do, say, and think all things honorably, humbly, and with the fear of a son.
  9. Let meekness with praise and humility with honor be together.
  10. Let your words be quiet, humble, honorable, and useful. Let silence decide the words that you say. From henceforth, let no empty or rotten word escape your lips.
  11. If something funny happens, allow yourself only a smile, and this not often.
  12. You will fall into prodigality through anger, wrath, and arguing: keep yourself moderate in anger.
  13. Always observe moderation in eating and drinking.
  14. Be condescending in all things, and God will bless you, and people will praise you.
  15. You must pray about your death, which is the end of all things.

~ St. Theophan quoting St. Dimitri of Rostov

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